Sunday, February 10, 2013

Some thoughts on the holy Qoph-Beth-Lamed, or The balance of the Magician is illusion.

Kether is the undifferentiated  reality. This is what is really happening all the time.
Kether can be analyzed as having two basic parts. Self and Other. These are known as Chokmah and Binah. Chokmah and Binah can be in several different states of combination. These are known as their children. Their are seven bright children and one dark child. The bright children are known as Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malkah. The Dark child is known as Daath. These eight children can be considered in combination or seperately.
 Each of the children represent a broad category of being, of consciousness or experience.
Chesed is the state where Self and Other are in a calm, orderly configuration. Self has primacy over Other, Self seen as a Monad and other as pliable subject. This is the origin of love, and loving relationships, protection and the idea of justice is ingrained in this worldview. Chesed appears in our life as more of an ideal than anything, When we Naths talk about the Kingdom of Shamballa we refer to the state of consciousness known as Chesed. Chesed is balanced by the state of being known as Geburah, Wrath, righteous wrath and pruning, the cleaning of the system the urge to make things as fair as possible by any means necessary. It is psychic pressure and really the drive to war, but like Chesed it is not the act of war, it is an impulse more than anything, it says, we don't want to hurt you, we see you as brothers even, but if you fuck with us, we will reign down upon you. It is the kingdom of Shamballa going to war. Remember these are states of consciousness, a way of looking at reality, dont go looking for Hobgoblins, or ghoulies or some sort of ineffable fae bullshit, that route is just hoisting your own divinity onto an abstractions, and abstractions aren't really real. Now, these two reenact the pattern of Binah and Chokmah and combine, meaning the drives behind them work together in synergy to make another state of perception known as Tiphareth, Beauty, Beauty is Truth because Truth is Beauty. It is the most balanced and integrated state of being. It can readily be combined with other drives and states. Meaning when you attain to it, you can start using these internal urges, and keeping them from using "you". So as you probably guess Tiphareth reprises the role of Kether for a whole other level of states, these are descending in a sense, some representing more lofty and abstract things, meaning they don't so deal with what something is, but what it symbolizes. This level very rarely directly manifests in sensory reality, but when it does, people call it magick. It is miraculous. It may have a real world scientific explanation, but grow the fuck up, just because something can be winnowed away by words doesn't mean it isnt a miracle. I have seen shit with my own eyes that is cray cray. FUCKING CRAY CRAY. I have seen men with the eyes of demons with a kidnapped woman, I have seen angels of death and gargoyles, I have seen men turn into wolves and I have been to so many other realities I don't even count them. This doesn't mean I am crazy or that I am special, it just means I have learned how to recieve nourishment from the different states represented by the higher aspects of Adam Kadmon, or human reality. Anyways,
So we get Hod, rational planning, cold fishy mind, not bad, it can be funny and witty and it is always one step ahead, the prefered state of mind for con men and Tantrik Hustlers. So then it is balanced out by Netzach, let's smoke a joint and dance and feel good and maybe fuck, lets go to a play and lets cry during mozart, It is our sense of warmth and color, it is emotional and flowing. It is often intuitive and irrational. Dion Fortune says it is the "Green Ray" and the natural state of all Witches. So, then the pattern repeats and these two join to form Yesod, creation and patterns, the sex drive, meaning procreation and imagination, it is often subconscious, because it is where we store our patterns in and our little quirks, it is often experienced in dreams. This is the root of sensory reality or Malkah, how is it the root? Because from here is where your conscious mind is molded and edited from the literally infinite amount of info that is coming into your brain via your senses. So, that leaves us with the Dark one Daath, and everything I know about that I don't know how to put into words, so I won't try. So there we go, an easy peasy mac and cheesy breakdown on the CUE BALLER. let me know what you think.